This website allows you to quickly check the status of a vehicle to determine if it has been towed or impounded by
Chicago or has been reported stolen to the Chicago Police Department. It also provides details about stolen or lost lice
repossessions, and non-city tows (such as private parking lot tows) that are reported to the Chicago Police Department.
Information is updated every hour on the hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To determine if a vehicle has been towed or impounded by the City of Chicago, enter either the license plate,
VIN, or other details about the vehicle.
You can also determine if a vehicle has been reported stolen to the Chicago Police Department. For example, if you
see an unfamiliar vehicle parked on your block or a vehicle that has been left in a parking lot/garage for an extended
period of time, enter the license plate or VIN to determine if it has been reported stolen to the Chicago Police Department.
If you identify a stolen vehicle CALL 911. Do not endanger yourself.
Now you can help the police locate and recover stolen vehicle more rapidly by running the license plate vehicle
to determine if it has been reported stolen to the Chicago Police Department.
Use CLEARmap to help identify areas of possible risk for Motor Vehicle Theft. You can search for reported Motor
Vehicle Theft incidents (and any other crime) by beat, intersection, or address.
Click here for CLEARmap.
Follow these tips to help reduce the chance of being an auto theft victim:
- Always close and lock your doors and windows before you leave your vehicle.
- Never Leave your keys in your vehicle when it is unattended.
- Car keys should not be hung on keyboards in the home or be visible through windows, they should be kept in a secure place
- Do not leave valuables unattended in vehicle.
- Ownership and insurance cards should not be left in your vehicle when it is unattended.